Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Camp St. Isadore 2009

Here is the first night at camp... Team "Explosive Rockets" Team "Shark Tooth" Team "The Carpenters"
The older children took a raft trip with Pop and Dan. The river was too high for canoes. The younger children took a trip to the Circle S Ranch and had a great time too.
We did a service project...weeded and spread mulch in the Marian Grotto at the Family Center...in the rain. Nick caught this large mouth bass afterwards. Everyone was really excited...Ben cooked it for dinner and it was yummy! Building animal traps and a trapping contest was a part of the week. However, although rabbits and baby racoons were sighted, none were caught.
The kids did a bee project, researching, drawing, observing and then a presentation on the final night.

Here is a shot of the final family cookout...s'mores and more s'mores!

Future camper!

WE had a great time!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Family Lessons

We had fun visiting, too. We all, but Luke especially, are looking forward to the Cooks' visit in a couple weeks! Luke may defensively tattoo himself, but he likes the commotion, at least after the fact. On Wednesday afternoon, he asked where the Duffys were, and I said they were probably almost back to their house in Indiana, and he said, "When they get there, we should call them to see if they want to come back here for supper."

We did have a great time with the Duffys. The only household scars: a broken plant and a broken Little People bin. But we got a Bionicle and a rubber frog ring out of the deal, so I think it was a fair exchange. We also got the effects of older cousin influence... here are some recent (i.e. since the D's left) quotes by Luke, all of which have been followed with a goofy (or maybe sly?) smile and the phrase: "That is what one of my cousins said." (I like how he doesn't implicate anyone in particular... although I have guesses about which lines are from which cousins.)

* With my IP Troop Direction Finder, we will never be lost! Oops!

* Maybe this horse will go poop and then it will fall off of it into the pool!

* With my IP34A Finder, we will never be lost! Oops!

* I've got a bite. An itchy bitchy bug bite!

* Don't go there, that's an explosion. You will die.

* My IP34BEA will never be lost! Oops!

Thanks, Duffys! :)

And now, an ad:
The excellent accommodations enjoyed by all who stay at Chez Husted:

Enjoy our newly installed movie lounger.

We treat our guests well.

Come, enjoy the finer things with us.

As I said, we'll treachya right.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Outta there

Well, all of our junk is on a big truck heading for storage somewhere. Our house is cleaner than it has ever been and empty. The plants I carefully chose a couple of years ago are probably going to die or be replaced. All my kids cried to sleep the other night. We're now homeless and on the road. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Sorry if I fall asleep at the dinner table. The last month was a little rough.