Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well, I've finished my fiftieth load of laundry and have almost emptied a container of bleach in the process, but I think we have defeated the bug that has been passed around here. Maybe we sent it away with Gram and Pop Cook, with whom we had a nice visit this weekend, despite having weak stomachs.

In celebration of health, here is our only picture of the weekend:

If you take your report card to Krispy Kreme, you can get a free donut for every A, with a limit of 6. (James must have been visiting the throne when this picture was taken.)

So we are beginning the month-long celebration of Mardi Gras.  If anyone wants to join us for the Gulf Coast celebrations, the doors are opened and the kids have Fat Monday and Tuesday off of school.


Emily J. said...

Did someone post something and take it down? My blogwatch says the last post was Jan. 23.

BettyDuffy said...


just kidding.

Kate took down her post on the leaky pipe. Why do you keep taking things down KAte?

Kate said...

I was tired of looking at the rooster and couldn't think of anything new to post, as I have no report card full of donuts, I mean A's.

Emily J. said...

OF COURSE it was the pipe! I LOVED those pictures! And your narration was hilarious, Kate! But I thought it was posted before 1-23 so I didn't make the connection. Did insurance cover the damage?

Kate said...

They're "covering" it, but I don't think we're going to get as generous a check as I think we deserve... I have some haggling to do today with the adjuster.

P.S. Have you all read Dracula? I just finished it [SPOILER ALERT] - the sassy Texan is the only one who dies! Haha. I laughed through my tears.

Kate said...

Well, he and the flirty blond. So Eliz, you and I definitely need to avoid the haunted house on future walks. ;)

Emily J. said...

Does the nerd girl survive?

Kate said...

Actually, you know what - Mina probably would be nerd girl. She memorizes train tables and teaches herself shorthand, and takes on a major transcription project on the hottest new technology of the time (the travel typewriter). So yes, I would say Nerd Girl makes it in this one. As does her slightly dorky, super-chivalrous hubby. The blaze of glory goes to the Texan, although it's less a blaze of glory and more a sliced brachial artery.

BettyDuffy said...

Wait, is this the real Bram Stoker Dracula?

I STILL WANT DONUTS!!!! Sugar coated cereal is NOT cutting it.