Here are the Husteds' supercostumes.
The Caped Crusader, with Safety Flashlight
The Boy Wonder
The Boy Wondering at a Tiny Pumpkin
There was some evildoer-extermination necessary in our neighborhood as well. Although in our case, it was the evil parents who didn't trick-or-treat long enough for 50 pieces of candy.
Halloween morning: Pumpkin carving/Hat wearing.
Kate, I love your cat-hands, and your cat-ears. According to the eleven o'clock news on All Hallow's Eve, the First Lady also wore a pair of cat ears that night. Classy across America. Boring Obama only wore a white collar under a black shirt. I think he would have been more symbolically dressed in John's Riddler shirt.
Incidentally, first comment removed due to typo
MO was more brave with her cat eye makeup than I was.
Gadzooks, those are great costumes! I feel safe knowing BatBoy and Robin look so serious about stopping evil parents everywhere from taking their kids candy!
nice work on the costumes / hat wearing. but i have to say, i really enjoyed the "costume" in the post below of the kid painted green in andre agassi shorts. i love halloween.
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