This is Luke.

He's three, but his birthday is coming up soon... and he knows it. As he said the other day (riding in a booster in Gramps's car for the first time): "I'm not
actually four... but I feel like it."
This one is Charles. He is stubby, currently, but probably in a growth spurt, or else teething, or else has swine flu. Either way, something makes him crabby at night.

And here he is after diving off of a bed at my parents' house. Is he our family's John C? Perhaps, although he hasn't required any stitches. Yet.

Here the boys are playing 'witch' on the back driveway. We're still Catholic, don't worry.

And here is Chas helping John put together an adirondack chair from a kit I found on clearance at a craft store.

It's all assembled now, and very nice to sit in -- holding a mug of Taster's Choice closely and two-handedly -- on the crisp fall days we've been having lately. The rain today soaked my cheery yellow cushion, though, which makes me a little sad because I'm probably going to forget and sit on it tomorrow, and that will be less cheery. I asked Luke if I was being crabby the other day after I snapped at him at Tom Thumb, and he admitted I was, "a little bit." Then at dinner he asked me if I thought I was "done being crabby for the day." Luckily, I was. I'm not sure why I thought of that story. Probably because it's bedtime and the boys are being naughty, and I'm a little bit crabby right now. Anyway, that's what you've all been missing.