Thursday, February 19, 2009

Advice wanted

A quick question: We are having our annual Mardi Gras party this Saturday and have about 30 people coming. Some are Navy friends, some from Church, some from co-op, some from book club. Most know somebody, but most don't know everybody. Should we have some kind of game? Not something everyone plays all at once, but like conversation starters around the room? If so, what?


BettyDuffy said...
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BettyDuffy said...

Was that a step too far?

BettyDuffy said...

Alright, I know it was a step too far. Deleting.

Emily J. said...

So what did you say??!! You'd better fess up

BettyDuffy said...

It had to do with the toilet paper game...and diarrhea.
Glad you asked?

laurie said...

There are probably too many people to play this game, but you can divide into two groups. Each person then tells 3 things about themselves...two that are false and one that is true...or the other way around if you want. Then each team keeps score of how many they guess correctly. I am reading a book PRAGUE where they play something similar and call it sincerity..but much too serious.
I wish we were going to be at the party...I am hungry and I know you will have great food!

Emily J. said...

We had delicious food and far too much, so now we are all gorging on sweets to finish them up before Ash Wednesday. There was no need for party games because the conversation flowed freely and loudly, so loudly that no one could hear that the computer was playing the same song over and over for 5 hours. After spending a couple hours downloading Mardi Gras music, I accidentally pressed repeat song, instead of repeat playlist. Oops. But no one seemed to notice.