Here are the girls having a fine time at Chez Cook. Eliz, sorry you had to miss the party. Has the dog or Nick had any more accidents? Janie is not quite that stinky. We have had a lot of fun in the sun, going to baseball games, the beach, and the pool, eating lots of good food, celebrating James' First Communion, and hanging out.
Here is a picture of John enjoying the beach. Ben's wave surfing in the back. Fortunately, Ben didn't drown after this picture was taken. CPR was not necessary.

James woke Dan up at 6:11 to have his tie tied. He was very excited about receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.
Congratulations, James!
That is one happy first Communicant.
Congrats James!
Ben looks very happy too, off in the distance battling the waves with a grin. Close the mouth, or you might eat a jelly fish!
And the girls look lovely in their blue dresses.
Wish I had been there.
Ben says: surprising that you say that, Aunt Elizabeth. B/c a few minutes later, I got stung on the stomach.
Dan says: We had a great time and missed you much. Jane was a real treat and was a wonderful addition to the parties. Hope to see you this weekend.
Tell James the Husted girls were praying for him and they are so proud!! We love you James
Michelle,Megan,Sarah and Julia.
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