Well, it's been a while since I've contributed to this witty and intellectual group and alas, I can tell you this post will probably be neither witty nor intellectual. It WILL have some pictures, so give me credit for something! I am hoping I don' t mess this up by trying to download photos AND type little notes as well. I'm really not computer-challenged, but for some reason I just seem to make this harder than it should be!
First, you might have heard that Julia broke her arm a few weeks ago while playing on her swingset at home. She was a trooper and should be getting her cast off (hopefully) soon. She had everyone sign it (a little difficult with it being blue, although Daddy was quite proud that she chose that color. We wanted to paint a small yellow "M" on it but alas, her cast was already too full of names that you couldn't read...) Here is a photo of Daddy signing her cast.
A few weeks ago we went to Nana & Pop's house and the Duffy cousins were there. We took a walk, had a wonderful dinner, had some delicious apple cake and all the kiddos got ready for bed before the Duffy's headed home (Elizabeth and Joe were just returning from their quiet, romantic getaway):

Jake is now officially a Cub Scout (Tiger Cub...my bad). I've been taking him to his Den meetings but I've been sick this week so Seth took him last night. I could tell that Seth wasn't all that excited about hanging out with a bunch of overstimulated six year old boys, but when they walked into the house after the meeting they were both talking like crazy. They studied maps and Jake was close to earning a belt loop thing (how's that for technical?) and a compass patch. So Seth and Jake had it all "mapped out" on what Jake needed to do. It was really, really cute and Seth even told Jake he'd had fun. Maybe I will put him in charge of Brownies/Girl Scout duty if/when we are approached about it. :-)

Jake is now officially a Cub Scout (Tiger Cub...my bad). I've been taking him to his Den meetings but I've been sick this week so Seth took him last night. I could tell that Seth wasn't all that excited about hanging out with a bunch of overstimulated six year old boys, but when they walked into the house after the meeting they were both talking like crazy. They studied maps and Jake was close to earning a belt loop thing (how's that for technical?) and a compass patch. So Seth and Jake had it all "mapped out" on what Jake needed to do. It was really, really cute and Seth even told Jake he'd had fun. Maybe I will put him in charge of Brownies/Girl Scout duty if/when we are approached about it. :-)
It was pumpkin carving night at the Husted household on Wednesday. On our way back from Nana & Pop's a few weeks ago we stopped at a pumpkin patch and let the girls pick out pumpkins. Emma and Jake were on vacation with their Dad (they got a week off for Fall Break) so it was just the five of us. SO, we promised that the first Wed. they were all together we'd carve those bad boys (and girls). It was entertaining to say the least. I have a few photos of Seth putting the carving knife to his head but chose to leave those out lest any little people looking at this gets some new idea...don't want to stir up the whole "kill" blog again!

A flashback...here is a photo of those tie-dye shirts we did over the Summer. Better late than never, I guess.

Signing off now. Will upload photos of our witches, sorcerers, goblins and demons later. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!