Dad and I just finnished putting some straw up in the loft of the barn using his new(old and rusted) piece of machinery that works like a conveyer. I stand below and load the bales, he stands in the loft and takes them off and stacks them. It really is a good system, but I am increasingly aware of the dangers of farm work. No wonder so many farmers are walking around with missing fingers, hands, arms.
I have spent about 5 minutes watching TV since the election. It is good to have this respite. I am considering asking our priest if we can chaperone a group of our highschool youth to D.C. for the pro life rally in January (a neighboring parish is sponsoring a trip). It would involve sleeping on the bus two nights and most likely on the floor of a convent another night. What do you think?
We are looking forward to the weekend in Crawfordsville!
I want to go. Take me!
Your post was meaningful, enough, Mom. Why would it take 2 days to bus to DC? If you decide to go, let us know - maybe we'll meet you there!
I agree with Emily: Meaningful enough.
I also am wondering why you sleep on a bus two nights. Does RC have anything going on in Bethesda that you and Dad could just supply transportation to? Check the archdiocese too and chaperone Napoleon kids with a larger group that does all the planning. Just ideas.
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