Sugar coma! Just kidding, this was before the Peeps.
I thought Luke would think the Pez was cooler.
PEEPS!!! Chas couldn't get enough of them, and when he would get down to stuffing the whole head & shoulders in his mouth, I kept taking it out to avoid having to do an Easter morning Heimlich, and he would cry until we gave him another one. I think we created a monster.
There are always enough eggs with just two boys.
This was from just a couple days ago.
I'm sad that we didn't remember even to try for an Easter group shot - the boys looked very sweet in seersucker, and were all the rage with the old people at our early bird Mass. It was too drizzly to get a photo at church, and then by the time we got home, I just had ham on the brain. Someone needs to get married before the boys outgrow their outfits, then I'll have another photo op. Anyone? Anyone?
Sorry not to see the seersucker, but love the traditional kids-in-the-bluebonnets! I hope that wasn't taken on the side of an overpass over hwy 83 (not sure of the number - the one to Ft Worth, right?) like I saw some lady doing one time.
I'm with Charlie on the Peeps; a delicious derivation: small Special Dark bar with Peep on top. Mmmm. Despite buying something like 30 lbs of Easter candy, we've had nothing left at our house for about a week.
PS: It's a few more years before we marry Joe off, but Dan's sister is getting married in November if you want to come. You need to talk to your side of the family if you want a wedding.
But can we come see Charlie and Luke in late June? We are planning a road trip through the midwest and southwest en route to Mississippi - Indiana, Tulsa (to see Dan's brother's new baby girl: Emily Jane Cook - isn't that a beautiful name?), OKC, then Dallas? (do you think Uncle Trent is serious about his offer to take the kids to Six Flags?), on to Houston to see Dan's other sister and the 10 month old niece we've never met, and finally, at some point, to Gulfport. Are you going to be home then?
PPS: I think I'm already senile, and forgot that I mentioned eating all the candy before, or else seeing your candy pictures made me hungry.
Yes! You should definitely come! You can stay with us...we'll treat you right. Even if Six Flags wouldn't work out, we'll come up with something fun. Let us know dates.
Yes! Yes! Yes! How fun. Tell me exactly when so I can block it off on the family calendar. We're in Pittsburgh around the 7th for my sister's graduation; other than that, the month is empty.
Don't extend joke wedding invitations - we might show up. I'm serious about showing off my seersuckered sons. Also, John and I need somewhere to show off the fruits of our dance lessons.
Why don't we just rent a bar in St Louis or something, get a DJ and a babysitter and have a Duffy/ Husted/ Cook dance party?
Because I like people coming to Texas!
That's it! Now I HAVE to get married soon. There must be another opportunity for the seersucker suits.
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