Why do we try to get group shots?

Which family photo should go in our Christmas cards?

James has been reading too many Calvin and Hobbes books

There's never enough eggs to go around

Nature study of another of Joe's trapped quarry: 14 mice, 1 sparrow, 1 vole.

Never enough cake to go around:

Fortunately, besides appearances to the contrary in the above photo, Dad did not go into a diabetic coma this Easter.
Anyone know how to get the photos in order? I guess the short answer is: don't post so many. But I couldn't decide.
I like the LOVE pic except you can't see Claire.
Next is the breakfast pic, but you'll probably use the CHurch clothes one, right?
I vote for the one where you have a dead bird on the kitchen table.
Haha, kidding of course - I also liked LOVE except your love is overshadowing Claire. My first choice wold probably be breakfast, too - very cute and funny. Church clothes has no personality, and James kept it from being a nice family portrait. :)
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