Happy New Year and Epiphany to everyone!! Today we celebrated the almost 12th day of Christmas with a symphonic Mass, a brunch as big as can be made when your cupboards were emptied 2 weeks ago (a few old eggs, the last cup of pancake mix, toast from a frozen loaf of bread, donuts, candy canes, gum, and plenty of coffee, in case you wondered). Then we biked to the art museum (the 41 degree air felt balmy after 9 degrees in NY) for the Norman Rockwell exhibit, enjoyed by all, at least for the first five minutes or so. Back at home, we switched another load of laundry over, the kids washed all the salt off the GMC, and I went to the grocery to get some vegetables to accompany the venison backstrap from Brian and other sundries. Mmmm, bambi mignon. After dinner, dessert, reading, and putting the kids to bed, another great moment: checking the blogs!
I've been trying to decide what photos to include from our fantastic Christmas/New Year's journey (Coming and Going by Norman Rockwell struck a chord). It's tough when there are over 350 to chose from. So WARNING: many photos ahead, mostly of my adorable kids. (Feel free to post your own.) I tried picking a theme, but had several. Also wanted to let the much missed John, Kate, Luke and Charlie feel a part of the fun, and let y'all see the good times we had in Albany. So, enjoy:
First theme: Facial expressions say it all
Theme 2: Fun with Spacesuits
That photo is also a part of theme 3: Nun having fun
Theme 4: Great Grandma's (and a grandma)-- Or Oldest and Youngest Party Goers.
Theme 5: Costume Envy
Theme 6 (yes, I'm still posting) Snow much fun!
Even peacocks love it!
Finally, a few memorable moments:The Kid Magnet:
New year's resolution writing (maybe another post could be sharing your resolutions):
Enjoying the all white meal guaranteed to bring health, wealth, and happiness in the new year:
Goodbye 2008 -- Hello 2009!
After all the time and energy I just spent on this, now it's back to Business Time! (rated pg-13)
Albany looks so [cold, but] fun!
Looks like a fun time.
The William Wallace sword is a pretty awesome present. Freeee-dom!
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