The girls came over this morning and between pigs in a blanket, making chili and hot chocolate they all played outside. Julia and Jake lasted about 15 minutes but the others stayed out until they had ice on their hair! And that was even with hats on! We have a large hill in our yard and the girls and several neighbor kids went sledding down the hill. It was hysterical to watch them! I'm going to try to post some photos, but I am miserable at it.


Also, we had a nice dinner with Nana & Pop on Sunday filled with good food, good conversations and good Wii fun! Nana and Pop jumped in on the action and played Jake and Sarah at boxing. Jake knocked Pop out in the first round and Sarah knocked Nana out in the first round. It was pretty darn funny and I have photos to prove it. Again, for some reason I CANNOT get the hang of uploading these silly photos, getting them in the right place and the text not ending up in strange places! Oh well!
We hope everyone is doing well!!

Also, we had a nice dinner with Nana & Pop on Sunday filled with good food, good conversations and good Wii fun! Nana and Pop jumped in on the action and played Jake and Sarah at boxing. Jake knocked Pop out in the first round and Sarah knocked Nana out in the first round. It was pretty darn funny and I have photos to prove it. Again, for some reason I CANNOT get the hang of uploading these silly photos, getting them in the right place and the text not ending up in strange places! Oh well!
We hope everyone is doing well!!

Nana looks like she's fencing someone. :) I'm jealous of your snow! It looks beautiful. We had icicles and ice everywhere this morning, but they're melting fast and it's supposed to be 53 tomorrow...
It was so funny watching them. I love the look on Nana's face like "what do you mean I got knocked out? I'm out of breath...doesn't that count for something?"
Yes, the snow is beautiful (even with a huge layer of ice underneath). We have our fair share of icicles but I don't think this will melt soon...
Seth and the girls are out of school for the rest of the week b/c close to 60 of the public schools are still without power. No news on if Emma and Jake will be out. It's a mess here, but the kids (Seth and Zoey included) are having a ball. They're sledding again and I took more photos. Seth got in on the action today and took Zoey down the hill with him. It was hilarious. She kept trying to eat the sled so they finally had to send her in. Now she's whining, looking out the kitchen door b/c they're all still out there. It's been quite a week!!!
Did Sarah get her hair cut and dye it red or is that Julia?
Sarah got a haircut but did NOT dye it red. :-) Julia also got a "BOB" as she says in a frighteningly low Forrest Gump type voice. It's pretty hysterical.
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