Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day Four at Home...Off Tomorrow, Too

At least we know how to have fun!


John said...

Looks fun. Especially the one of Emma and the flying dog.

Deanna said...

Wasn't that a funny picture? What's even funnier is that THIS is the dog who wouldn't pee in the snow and had to have a path cleared for her and yet we could NOT keep her away from the action! I think she's over her aversion to the snow now!

Happy Birthday!

Emily J. said...

Hope you have plenty of groceries! That looks treacherous...

BettyDuffy said...

I just took my kids to school (two hour delay) only to get there and find out it had been canceled for the third day in a row. THat's what I get for trying to stay off the internet before noon.

Our snow doesn't look as fun as your snow. Probably because Joe didn't get work canceled.

Deanna said...

That stinks Elizabeth. It just took me nearly 2 hours to get to work...normally a 20 minute drive.I needed to get out of the house, though...

Emily, we have plenty! Thanks to my he-man husband (and I guess I contributed to our deer supply this year, too) we have a freezer full of meat and our pantry and fridge are stocked. We just had to get another gallon of milk for Julia since she would bathe in the stuff if she could. :-)

Yes, it's treacherous. No one around us has power. In fact, this is the biggest power outage in the State's history. I probably saw 3 convoys of 30 power trucks total and it gave me chills...and we're supposed to get another 3-5 inches of snow Sunday pm. The kids missed a week for the wind storm and now a week for this ice storm. We are going to be in school until the 4th of July if this keeps up!