Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here is my weekly commitment to blog entry. Unfortunately, I have little of note to write about. One of the best things about the interval between my last entry and this one is that we have experienced some of the BEST of Indiana weather this past week. Beautiful blue sky, cool breezes, full moon and starlit nights, temperate temperatures....all making it difficult to be inside and fulfill the chore list. Truthfully, one of the outstanding events of the week was following Elizabeth's suggestion to watch THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY. Dad and I watched it Sunday night and I have not quit thinking about, talking about, remembering..the movie. I want to watch it again already. PLEASE, run, don't walk (or access Netflix) and rent the movie.
Seth and the girls were here on Tuesday and Wednesday to do some painting. All of the drywall from top to bottom (excluding bedrooms and bathrooms) has been painted...and it looks so fresh and bright. I am taking my time putting things back together trying to make good decisions about what to keep and what to discard. Clutter is really bothering me lately. I am overwhelmed by stuff. I had a good time with the girls while Dad and Seth painted.
Now..back to work!
Love, Mom

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