Well, nothing much interesting happens here, but I'll blog anyway for Dan and my own vanity. The kids and I just got back from an overnight to San Antonio. (Here are the boys living it up at El Mercado. ) We went with my parents to attend the baptism of my cousin's new son (3 weeks older than Luke!) It was quite the party. I don't see those cousins much, and especially not all together, so it was a nice gathering. (Actually, I hadn't seen my cousin Sara since my wedding! She had never met Luke!)

Then we came home and back to normalcy/boredom (call it what you will.) Luke had a fun morning sniffing PlayDough in between train and crane constructions (that's my bulldozer masterpiece on the table.)

Another gem: this sweet "Bros Husted" portrait gone wrong. I think Charlie knows he's ruining the picture. This could have been, but wasn't, the time that Luke said, "Hey Mommy, Charlie gots beans on him!" Why must my life involve so much poo?
Keep the pictures coming! I love them. I especially like Luke's shoe and hat combo! Charlie appears to be thriving...
Oops - I meant Jace was older than Charlie, obviously!
Kate, I about choked on my lunch when I saw that photo of Charlie. That's hysterical and reminded me of my first trip alone with Emma when she was about a month old. We visited my Mom in Cincinnati and Emma was so cute and little and all in pink and then...Mount Vesuvius erupted. I was holding her on my Mom's new off-white carpet and the only thing I could think of doing (besides running to the other room) was to grab the bottom of my tee shirt and put it under her until I got off the carpet. So, Emma and I both got baths and Mom did an unexpected load (ha-ha) of laundry. While the carpet WAS saved, my efforts nearly didn't matter though because my Mom started laughing so hard I thought she was going to wet her pants on her new off-white carpet as well. It was clearly a moment to remember. Save that photo for Charlie's graduation or rehearsal dinner. Just like him, it's definitely a keeper!!
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